I've been a wearer of glasses since I was 10 or 11...I know its sad, embarassing memories of my childhood come to mind. I do wear contacts, but there are times where I want to wear my glasses, either because I'm lazy or I've run out of contacts. I do wear glasses everyday and as nerdy as they may look, I do have a certain nostalgic love for them. So I'm going to list some makeup tips that I've learned throughout the years whilst wearing glasses.
Since I'm nearsighted that means once I put on glasses, my eyes get immediately smaller, which sucks, because I have terribly small eyes that are absolutely disproportionate to my unusually large head. I wear thick frames in hopes that people might think they're my eyes...I'm only kidding.
Concealer is your friend. You know how mostly everyone has baggy eyes, well glasses have this way of framing them and bringing attention to those unsightly shadows. I use concealer that is lighter than my skin, that way my eyes really pop, but not too light by the way, just enough to still look natural. Make sure there are absolutely no creases or lines because it becomes super obvious.I apply concealer to my inner rims and under eye, not necessarily to my lid, but you can if you want to.

Eyebrows must be clean and shaped. messy eyebrows and glasses just sounds so Ugly Betty. Everyone says expression is in the eyes, actually its the eyebrows, have you ever seen anyone with shaved eyebrows? They look unemotional and creepy. I like full eyebrows because they frame your face and glasses as long as they're shaped. Unibrowing, however, is not a trend. I do fill in my brows to give them more ooph and I pluck and work on my eyebrows like once a month or whenever they seem to grow like weeds. I think eyebrows are very important when you're a constant glasses wearer
Eyelashes sometimes dissappear underneath the frames. I don't really appreciate long lashes when I'm wearing glasses because they tend to actually brush against my glasses, so I prefer curled thick lashes to crazy long. What I think really makes my eyes pop is applying mascara to my under eye. Its a bit difficult with some mascaras because they smudge or create raccoon eyes, that should be avoided at all times.

I don't really go all super crazy with eyeshadows because I already have thick black frames for my glasses, so i try to keep it as natural as possible. I do slightly draw a thick black line on my bottom lashes just to make them stand out, for the top, I don't typically line my upper lids but when I'm wearing glasses I do, but not too thick since I do have small eyes. If I do wear shadows, I highlight the inner rims with a slightly creamy pearly shade and blend a lil brown on the crease, not too dark. I definitely recommend neutral shades and lighter colors in general, unless you have frameless glasses, then you should definitely play up your eyes.
When it comes to the face, I guess make sure that its blemish free. Acne and glasses, just play too much into the nerd streotype. The thing with me is if you see me in glasses I'm usually makeup less and I probably just woke up and didn't even bother. But once in awhile I get tired of poking my eyes with my contacts but I still want to look made up. So I try to create a flawless face, so I do look like I care. I don't like to wear foundation or powder on the bridge of my nose where my glasses sit, it seems to just cake up and it looks unsightly.
I think blush and glasses go so well together, but then again I'm crazy about blush. Seriously it frames my cheekbones, or lack thereof, I think its because the glasses sit right above the cheeks and with a little contouring and highlighting, one can create a stunning look.

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