Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Makeup for glasses

I've been a wearer of glasses since I was 10 or 11...I know its sad, embarassing memories of my childhood come to mind. I do wear contacts, but there are times where I want to wear my glasses, either because I'm lazy or I've run out of contacts. I do wear glasses everyday and as nerdy as they may look, I do have a certain nostalgic love for them. So I'm going to list some makeup tips that I've learned throughout the years whilst wearing glasses.

Since I'm nearsighted that means once I put on glasses, my eyes get immediately smaller, which sucks, because I have terribly small eyes that are absolutely disproportionate to my unusually large head. I wear thick frames in hopes that people might think they're my eyes...I'm only kidding.

Concealer is your friend. You know how mostly everyone has baggy eyes, well glasses have this way of framing them and bringing attention to those unsightly shadows. I use concealer that is lighter than my skin, that way my eyes really pop, but not too light by the way, just enough to still look natural. Make sure there are absolutely no creases or lines because it becomes super obvious.I apply concealer to my inner rims and under eye, not necessarily to my lid, but you can if you want to.

Eyebrows must be clean and shaped. messy eyebrows and glasses just sounds so Ugly Betty. Everyone says expression is in the eyes, actually its the eyebrows, have you ever seen anyone with shaved eyebrows? They look unemotional and creepy. I like full eyebrows because they frame your face and glasses as long as they're shaped. Unibrowing, however, is not a trend. I do fill in my brows to give them more ooph and I pluck and work on my eyebrows like once a month or whenever they seem to grow like weeds. I think eyebrows are very important when you're a constant glasses wearer

Eyelashes sometimes dissappear underneath the frames. I don't really appreciate long lashes when I'm wearing glasses because they tend to actually brush against my glasses, so I prefer curled thick lashes to crazy long. What I think really makes my eyes pop is applying mascara to my under eye. Its a bit difficult with some mascaras because they smudge or create raccoon eyes, that should be avoided at all times.

I don't really go all super crazy with eyeshadows because I already have thick black frames for my glasses, so i try to keep it as natural as possible. I do slightly draw a thick black line on my bottom lashes just to make them stand out, for the top, I don't typically line my upper lids but when I'm wearing glasses I do, but not too thick since I do have small eyes. If I do wear shadows, I highlight the inner rims with a slightly creamy pearly shade and blend a lil brown on the crease, not too dark. I definitely recommend neutral shades and lighter colors in general, unless you have frameless glasses, then you should definitely play up your eyes.

When it comes to the face, I guess make sure that its blemish free. Acne and glasses, just play too much into the nerd streotype. The thing with me is if you see me in glasses I'm usually makeup less and I probably just woke up and didn't even bother. But once in awhile I get tired of poking my eyes with my contacts but I still want to look made up. So I try to create a flawless face, so I do look like I care. I don't like to wear foundation or powder on the bridge of my nose where my glasses sit, it seems to just cake up and it looks unsightly.

I think blush and glasses go so well together, but then again I'm crazy about blush. Seriously it frames my cheekbones, or lack thereof, I think its because the glasses sit right above the cheeks and with a little contouring and highlighting, one can create a stunning look.

Since I can't play up my eyes too much I do prefer a dark lip, especially if my hair is up. Another perfect compliment with glasses, is a great smile, nothings wrong with flashing some chompers, but I guess that works for mostly everybody but Victoria Beckham. (her smile is a bit eerie)

Palmer's Skin Therapy Oil Review

I'm thoroughly impressed with this product. I might be speaking too soon since this is only day 3, my skin is so smooth and soft, but more on that later, on with the review.

I got this at Guardian for RM 29.90 it was the 60ml/2fl oz size, it came with a free 10 ml in dropper bottle format, so major bonus points. I was trying to decide whether I should get this over Bio Oil, this had better packaging and fewer ingredients. I actually wanted to get straight up Vitamin E oil, but that shit is expensive, 60 bucks for a 1 oz bottle doesn't really appeal to me. Plus I love the smell of Cocoa Butter and wasn't really sure how Bio oil smelled.

On the box: "Skin looks and feels instantly soft and smooth with this unique non-greasy, non-staining formula. Also ideal when used as a bath oil for a deep moisturizing treatment."

It claims to help diminish scars, stretch marks, dry damaged skin, uneven skin tone and fine lines and wrinkles. It seems like it has a lot to live up to.

Canola Oil, Isopropyl Myristrate, Cetearyl Ethylhexanoate, Sesamum Indicum (sesame) seed oil, Tocopheryl Acetate, Dimethicone, Theobroma Cacao (cocoa) seed butter, Fragrance, Rosa Canina Seed extract.

Ingredient breakdown
Canola Oil: you cook with it. I've read that it doesn't do much but moisturize
Isopropyl Myristrate: reduces the yucky greasy feel of products by replacing other oilier ingredients.
Cetearyl Ethylhexanoate acts as a lubricant on the skin’s surface to give it a soft and smooth appearance. It also imparts water-repelling characteristics to cosmetics and personal care products, improves “spreadability,” and is used to improve dry skin conditions.
Sesame Seed Oil: slows the loss of water from the skin by forming a barrier on the skin’s surface. So moisturizes.
Tocopheryl Acetate AKA Vitamin E: useful for stretch marks, age spots, it gives moisture to the skin by preventing water loss, helps with sunburns and scars.
Dimethicone: I'm almost pretty sure this is found in all primers
Cocoa Butter: yumminess. Pretty much good for everything, moisturizing, stretch marks, scars, uneven skintone, and wrinkles. And it smells like chocolate.

It says on the packaging that its rosehip fragrance, not really sure what that is. 
I think it smells good, but then again I do like things with a sweet scent to them. It smells a bit like cocoa butter and something sweet and flowery, it might be overbearing for those who like fragrance free products. The smell eventually goes away, but it does linger for awhile. 

The bigger 60ml bottle is made of clear plastic, I'm not too crazy about it. The opening is a tiny hole, I guess to squeeze it out? I can see myself spilling this product everywhere, I prefer the tiny dropper bottle, which is made of glass and you can control the amount of oil you want, unlike the bigger one I think. So I'll probably just transfer oil from the big bottle to the smaller dropper bottle once I finish the smaller one.
I admit its not the most expensive fanciest looking product, but its kind of comforting to see the traditional Palmer's Cocoa Butter logo. By the way it might not look like a lot of product, but I think its a good amount depending on what you're using it for, if you're going to douse your whole body in this stuff, that maybe not.

On the box: "Gently massage into affected area 3 times daily or as often as desired."

So far I've only applied this to my face, so my routine is I wash my face as thoroughly as I can with water, dry it with a cloth, I don't think your skin should be too wet when applying this. I take the dropper, fill it with only a fifth of oil, I don't even think I need that much. I barely squeeze it and I let the oil drop onto my finger and apply one drop to different sections of my face. Using my fingertips I try to massage it into my skin, especially my cheeks and in between my eyebrows, which are my problem areas. I apply a few drops to my neck and that's it. I do use moisturizer after because mine has SPF, but if I'm going to be at home all day or indoors, I don't even bother.

I apply this when I wake up, maybe a random time when I'm at home during the afternoon and before I go to bed. I haven't really used it for anything else besides my face, I don't have any stretch marks that I know of or any major scars on my body, I might use them on my legs for those darn mosquito bites. Also, I think if applied with a heavy hand the face can't absorb it all, so it does leave a sticky residue, that is not completely comfortable, so use adequate amounts.

Texture/ Consistency:
What do you want me to say? Its oil, hence oily. I'm kidding, its not that oily. I would describe it as a very light watered down oil. It only feels slightly slippery when I put it on, but after a few seconds that feeling totally disappears and you're left with a smooth feeling. Trust me, it does not feel like massage oil, cooking oil, hair oil, its lighter than a lot of lotions and moisturizers.
I don't the greasy feeling at all, maybe if apply too much, I might. But I feel completely moisturized. Sometimes my daily moisturizer clings to my dry skin, leaving a slightly white cast and making my flakes more obvious, but this stuff just moisturizes, leaving no residue, just glowy skin.

On the box: "Skin Therapy oil is formulated with out unique rapidermal absorption systeme for maximum penetration of the epidermal layer allowing our powerful ingredients to deliver targeted benefits. This fast drying formula penetrates deeply without greasiness. Non -staining, it allows one to dress immediately after application."

This is such an awesome product. I have these zits, that already have come to head and dried up but they still form a bump on my skin, like a cyst, but it doesn't hurt and its not really typical acne. Its just annoying because its a literal bump on face that looks like acne but its dark, it goes away after a week or more but not the dark spot it leaves behind, that can take even longer. Well the first night I tried this and they dramatically reduced, I was pretty shocked. Now on the 3rd day, there's barely even a bump, I'm impressed.

My skin looks awesome, its looks so smooth and glowy, none of that ruddy dullness. I have absolutely no dry patches whatsoever. My pores looks smaller, no new breakouts and even the blackheads on my nose have reduced.This is my new miracle product. If this can totally smooth out my skin and not break me out, I will throw down some serious cash and buy this for everyone I know.

I shall update you on the progress of this...


May 7th 2010
I got one large pimple on my cheek, I don't think the oil is the cause of it, but it obviously doesn't keep my acne at bay. However, the texture of my skin is growing more and more smoother and I can see my scars fading.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Drugstore buys this week

Its been a drugstore purchase type of week.

It Guardian Pomegranate Body butter

It smells like heavenly strawberry yogurt, I would not be surprised if someone tried to eat this, my rabbit even tries to nibble at my feet when I slather this on.

Apple Cider Vinegar
I think I'll do an individual posting for this, because this stuff is amazing. It literally cures everything, I don't know how but it works like crazy and it tastes like hell.

Himalaya Dandruff shampoo

I have only tried this once and the smell is not turning me on

The Body Shop facial buffer
I was purchasing body shop exfoliating gloves for a friend and I saw this and I was like, well the gloves are freaking this must be great too. I bought this yesterday and tried it last nice. My face felt so clean, it says on the package to lather it up with facial wash or soap, I just used straight up water. Seriously, I am as anti facial wash as they come. But it worked, I woke up with glowing skin, but that could be for other factors.

Palmer's Skin Therapy Oil

Okay, I'm really excited about this. I know oil on oily skin I have a crazy oily face with 1/5 of it being insanely dry, but I've been meaning to buy this or straight up Vitamin E oil because I was getting sick of my blemishes that just wouldn't go away. Like I would get a 1 day pimple that leaves a scar that lasts for weeks, I don't even pick at my acne. Hopefully this will help with my facial scars and pockmarks. I tried this last night at my skin felt so supple and I'm not really sure if its the facial buffer or this stuff that gave me a fresh face when I woke up. I think it may have been a combo of the 2, but I'm gonna guess its the therapy oil.

More reviews to come :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Blushes are yummy

I am of Asian descent. South East Asian specifically, unlike my mother I do not have a soft pink glow, I'm incapable of blushing. My face looks really dead without color, so I cheat and I wear blush. This is probably my makeup staple. While most girls probably can't live without mascara or eyeliner, for me its blushes, I think it just adds that hint of glow to make your face really stand out.

I know if applied incorrectly you can look like a circus clown, I've seen quite a few girls who go heavy on the blush and it looks pretty scary. But I think it looks kinda sad when a girl is wearing full on makeup with no cheek color, it looks a bit unnatural.

My blush rules:
1. apply with big soft fluffy brush, do NOT use the crappy small brushes that come with blush compacts, unless your head is the size of Barbie's. I think the reason why people don't like blush is because they're either applying it wrong or the brush is just too small, so you get a streak of blush on your face that just looks wrong.

2. Don't automatically assume that everyone blushes in pinky pink. With me only specific pinks look nice on me, many of them look chalky. With different skin tones, comes different colors of blush. Most people would advise to choose a blush color similar to your actual blush color. The only time I "blush" is when I'm at the gym, but I look slightly gross at the gym, so I'm not going to take that example.

3. I think the most universally flattering colors are coral, peach and soft pink. I don't think you can really go wrong with this. Rose is also pretty, but you need a light hand, or else circus freak comes in mind.

4. Applying blush. I lightly dip the brush into the blush, I swirl very lightly and then I dab it onto the lid, swirl it around some more so it evenly covers the brush. By the way you don't necessarily have to see the color on the brush to see if you have enough.

5. I then take the brush and bring it to the chunky part of my cheeks and brush upwards towards the top part of my ear, then I buff it in to create a smoother finish, make sure there are no lines. I do that to both sides and that pretty much it.  .

6. If you applied too much add a bit of face powder and try to buff it away.

7. My way of seeing whether I applied too much blush is squinting at the mirror. You shouldn't be able to see color or only small amount. But if its obvious color when you're squinting, then you've applied too much.

Everyday Minerals Blushes

 Everyday mineral blushes L-R: All smiles, Summer Stroll, Weekend Getaway, Snuggle

Okay. Enough with the rules. I'm going to do a review of my new blushes that I got form Everyday Minerals. I have 5 colors. They are: Summer Stroll, All Smiles, Snuggle, Weekend Getaway, and Nick Nack. I think these blushes are gorgeous, I got All smiles, weekend getaway and nick nack in their coral try me package. The other two I got off lowyat. They're very smooth and quite pigmented, I don't have to keep reapplying over and over again to achieve the look I want.

Weekend Getaway

I know it looks like such a simple color, but its my favorite of the bunch. It has the perfect amount of soft pink and coral to look very natural. There's no sparkle whatsoever, but it looks amazing on my cheeks, I think if I were to ever really blush this would be the color I'd hope to be flushed with.

All Smiles

I think everyone who's used EDM has tried this blush. its extra pretty and its matte. Its a peachy pink, its very vibrant and pigmented, so you would need a light hand to apply this. Its a nice glowing color for tans out there.


I would describe this as a soft medium pink with sheen. I don't typically wear sparkly blushes because they tend to look gaudy, but this is so pretty. It makes my cheeks pop in the nice way. I was so freaked out when I saw this, because all I thought was wow, that's glitter. I was reading some reviews about it, and quite a few people would describe this as Nar orgasm, I have no idea about that since I don't buy expensive makeup. But if you're looking for something with a warm pink and slight sparkle, this is it.

Summer stroll

This color would freak most people out because its so orange. It has a bit of sheen(not as much as snuggle) but it goes on pretty matte. Its also very pretty and doesn't turn up orange on your skin, I don't know how to describe it, like peachy-apricot. My only issue with this blush, it doesn't want to stick to my face. I have to use a heavy hand for this and its gone after a couple hours.

Nick Nack
Cool muted pink. I don't wear this, it just looks chalky and doesn't show up on my skin

I think these blushes are amazing and the fact that they are minerals just add to how perfect they are.

I Love ELF (and I don't mean Santa's midget slaves) Part 1

I'm a huge fan of ELF cosmetics, I know I have to order it online and it takes longer than forever to get here but most of their products are only 1 dollar and their Studio line is amazing. And usually there's always some promotion coupon thing going on and you actually get the products for a whole lot cheaper. There's always sprees happening on lowyat forums. My only issue with that is the fact that you would think with the US exchange it'll cost RM 3.60, RM 4 at most, but some girls sell at rm8, some as high as rm10, of course there's shipping cost and taxes and what, but I'm guessing they turn a pretty high profit, I don't blame them everyone has to make a dime or two.

I admit not all ELF products are perfection but the products I have are actually pretty good, I do realize that I do not have a lot of their $1 products. I order mainly from their Studio line because its amazing and I don't mind spending 10 or 15 bucks on product if its worth it.  I'll list them down and give a short ELF review of everything from not so faves to super loves.

Mineral Blush - Rose and Candid coral  

I bought two of the mineral blushes, one in candid coral and the other in rose. Let me start off with the positive, online they cost $5, I got both of them during a 50% off their Mineral line for only 15rm a piece, so yay. Both have a great color payoff. Candid coral looks stunning and glow-like on my face, it looks so natural and rose looks scary dark, but is quite pretty blush color that is pigmented but high quality. I really really wanted to use this as my everyday blushes because I'm becoming a huge fan of mineral products. Unfortunately, I can't wear this at all without my face feeling a bit itchy and breaking out. I just put on candid coral to try on  and it looks great, but I'm already feeling the rash. I think my skin doesn't like a certain ingredient in it called Bismuth oxychloride. I would totally still recommend the product if you don't have issues with that ingredient, sadly I do, I had to wash the product off before finishing this sentence. Candid coral will look great on most skin tones.

Duo eyeshadow cream (olive)

This is such a strange product. But I actually like it, this is one of my first cream shadows, and I'm guessing anything creamy would crease on eyes and this does crease if used improperly. I got this for free when buying something else and I was a bit iffy about. Olive is a lime green and dark brown duo, I think both colors are fantastic. Super pigmented and great for green eyeshadow days. There's a certain trick in using this and its not using it alone, its more of a base color. So what I do is apply a very thin layer from my eyelashes to just above my crease and then I put on my normal shadows and they really bring out the color and adhere quite well, the plus side, no crease! If it does crease it means you're applying too much, I don't even bother putting eyeshadow primer on. I was doing a test a couple weeks back. I put primer on one eye and this on the other and guess what, this actually lasted longer in terms of vibrancy. I would definitely purchase more of these

ELF Studio Eye transformer

I did not know what the hell this was. All the colors were super light, think of brow highlighting colors, they didn't seem pigmented at all, barely showed up on my tan'ish skin. Then I figured out the best way to use it. I took a random black kajal eyeliner and lined my eyes, slightly thick and then I smudged it out a bit and I took one the colors from the eye transformer and holy moly, I got a gorgeous eyeshadow color. It creates the most gorgeous metallic shades in different colors. My favorite has to be the green, it turns like gorgeous smokey green. The blue turns into a vibrant blue/purple. The gold/yellow turns sparkly brown and the pink one turns purpley violet. I'll try to put up a picture. If this does that with just black, imagine what it can do with other colors :) I really like pairing this with ELF cream eyeliner in black, the staying power is amazing.

Studio Warm Bronzer

I'm no where near being a bronzer fanatic, or even a user of bronzer. I have the type of skin tone that tans so easily its annoying. Like if I wore sunglasses for a day there would be a significant color difference once I take off the glasses(as in you can see an obvious non-tan line at the bride of my nose), I have very uneven skin tone because I tan so easily. So I avoid the sun as much as I can and since I can do the bronzer "brown" look so easily, I tend to avoid it. But I saw this at ELF and it looked interesting.
I actually like this, I'm still playing around with it, I don't wear this as an all over color but more like a blush and its look pretty alright. It has quite a bit of shimmer and there's four colors. I think I might want to purchase the golden one because it looks lighter and it looks like it could be a good highlighter.

Studio 'C' brush
I read all the raves about this brush and I must say, its meh. I still use it of course, but only for packing in color, its super dense and soft, it looks very stylish. But its much too big for my tiny Asian eyes, I can't really blend with it because its super dense. I prefer my elianto eyeshadow brush, its smaller and more flexible. 

HD powder 

I'm a bit on the fence with this product. See it creates a soft focus, you know how when you take pictures and the blurry pictures kind of makes your face smooth and flawless by "blurring" your flaws, yeah this is what the HD powder does. Its white, like snow white white, but once I put it on, its completely translucent, but I have to make sure I apply well and don't miss any spots, having random powdery white substance on my face doesn't seem like the great idea.

I like this product because when I put it on, it feels so smooth, like my face literally feels like silk. Here's my issue with it, I have combination skin, that means I'm tortured by being super dry and super oily at the same time, this powder is the ultimate in all your oily bits are sucked up. No more gleaming forehead and nose, this would be perfect since I do get a slick like forehead, but on the areas where I'm dry, this makes me shed, flakes of dry skin start peeling off. Not a pretty sight at all, think face dandruff. So if I was using this product, I have to make sure that my face is clean and super moisturized or I only put it on certain parts of my face. There's a whole lot of product too, its 3.5 oz, definitely recommend if you have super oily skin.

Studio contour brush and bronzer

When I first opened the package, I thought the blush was too pink, but it's like a warm neutral soft pink. I don't really use to bronzer that much, its very rare, but I do use it as a contour sometimes. The blush is gorgeous, this is probably my most used ELF makeup product, this is the one blush that I always reach for, even though its not my most expensive blush. Its quite pigmented, but still buildable and overall great color. The texture is not as great as some blushes, its not creamy or silky feeling. If you've checked out their other studio blushes, they have a smoother consistency and waaaay less chunkier glitter. I have candid coral and its really pretty, it leaves a nice glow, instead of random glitter.

I would still use this blush, since it gives me a gorgeous pink that doesn't make me look chalky at all. Probably the greatest thing, it doesn't break me out or oxidizes. I would totally recommend this. It looks very expensive, my friend had the NARS duo and it looks almost exactly alike.

Mineral eye primer

I love this stuff, okay I've never used eye primer before, and I use to barely ever wear eyeshadow because I can't stand the crease factor. But this is magic in a little tube. My eyeshadows stays for sooooooo long, I was so freaking amazed. I never go without this when wearing eyeshadows now. I even tested it out, with one eye having the primer and the other not, and guess what the one without, creased within an hour and the primer side lived for 6 or 7 hours. I'm probably not going to buy expensive brands like Urban Decay Primer Potion or Too faced shadow insurance, they're over RM70, dude that is expensive. So I'll stick with my Elf mineral eyeshadow primer, works great and totally worth the RM10.

Studio Powder brush

I love this brush, I use it for pretty much everything (except my eyes and lips obviously). Its great for mineral foundation, liquid foundation, blush, highlighter, bronzer and wait for it....powder. I love buffing my mineral foundation with this and my liquid foundation, especially if I wet the brush first, it creates the most amazing flawless finish.

I have 2 of these and they are awesome, if you had to get only one thing from ELF, I would totally recommend this. Its soft, its super dense, it looks sophisticated and its synthetic(no animals). I have had absolutely no issues with it shedding, the only problem I had with it was the initial smell, its very chemical, but that washes out quickly, so no worries.

Mineral Booster

This is probably my favorite favorite ELF product.

This stuff is amazing. I actually bought the sample size and tried it for a few weeks and went ahead and bought the larger size. It doesn't make me darker or lighter, it does strangely, even though it suppose to be translucent, it evens out my skin tone. I use this everyday. Sometimes all I need is a lil concealer, blush and this stuff and my makeup is done. It works on top of mineral foundation and liquid foundation and even no foundation. I sometimes use this to set my mineral foundation, but mostly its the last thing to go on, it totally smooths everything out. It matte but it gives me that radient glow thing. I haven't broken out from this at all, it does not oxidize on me, all of EDM products oxidize on me. I carry this in my purse in case I need a touch up, maybe towards the end of the day, I might touch up, but that's around the time I wash off my make up anyways. I really really like this product and I see it lasting a long time for me. I also love the fact that it doesn't dry out my skin, I prefer oily skin over dry skin, oily skin is a quick fix, dry skin on the other hand, i have no idea how to handle. ELF HD powder tends to dry out my skin, but this doesn't.
It light weight, feels silky but not as smooth as the HD powder, my pores literally smooth out. Its such a good value for money.

To be continued....

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Products that bring me back

You know how there are certain things that you absolutely loved as a kid or a teen or even had special memories with certain products. I came across this site that sells Lip smackers and that just brought me waaay back. So I started reminiscing about certain beauty products that had made an impact.  

Lip smackers-
I remember every girl had this or have tried it. I was a huge fan of watermelon and for a dollar a piece it was delicious. I soon moved on to more moisturizing (adult looking) chapsticks and lipbalms but these gave me a slight happiness just thinking about them

Bonne Bell - Lip Lites in Cappuccino
I bought this when I was 13 and I loved it like crazy mad. It smelled like heavenly sweet coffee and I thought the color was awesome, and I've been searching for this color and smell in lip gloss ever since. The closest I've ever gotten to it was an Elianto lip gloss called beigee. At 13 this was absolute perfection, now I can't even stand lip gloss, maybe I should purchase this again, if only the drugstores sold this in Malaysia

Softlips in Strawberry/ Vanilla
I got my first kiss with these on my lips. So I'm very sentimental about this specific chapstick. I was totally infatuated with my best friend, I was a total awkward dorky mess and he was gorgeous basketball playing jock, I still have no idea how we became friends. But after the kiss he found out I was using this and he began calling me softlips, it still tickles me, puppy love. I should totally order this, I loved the thin shape of it and the mentholated tinglyness and it moisturized really well, as I do recall. 

Cream blush in a jar
There was this cream blush that I stole from my mom. It came in a glass jar, it was a rosey pink and made me look amazing, I don't know how to describe it. You know how you come out from the cold and you'd have this slight flush, yes this was it for me. I can't remember the brand and it was probably quite old. I still haven't found anything like this, it gave me this dewy goodness. I would actually buy this even if it was super duper expensive, thats how great it was.

Volume express mascara
It was my mascara for the longest time until they changed the formula, then it really didn't quite do it for me, but I do have fond memories of it

Avon black eyeliner
This is one of the first eyeliners I bought in Malaysia whilst on a uni budget. It was smooth and only cost 10rm, now I don't know anyone who sells avon. But this was one of my favorite pencil eyeliners.

Suave Hairspray in Passion flower
I still have some of this left from 8 years ago and it still smells like the best smelling hairspray ever. I hate the hairspray smell and I don't use a lot of products in my hair, and the only time I do is when I curl my hair and this is the hairspray. It holds nicely and smells great and I mean like body spray good.

Johnson Johnson baby lotion
I always stole this from my baby brothers and sister.

Tressume conditioner
Before I came to Malaysia I used this conditioner, I loved this conditioner. When my mom came to visit I forced her to bring over a couple bottles, it not only smelled great but made my hair all silky smooth. Now my hair is so oily and lifeless I've stopped using conditioners in general. I was quite thrilled when they brought it over to Malaysia and the price is alright too. My boyfriend also loves this stuff or at least is super curly hair does.

Calgon Body mist - Hawaiian Ginger
I don't really use perfumes but I got addicted to this body spray. It so sweet and summery, I also made my mother send this over when I ran out.

Lipstick- Totally Vogue or Grandmammy?

I have never been a fan of lipsticks, it just reminds me of having to stick the gross stuff on my lips during weddings when I was a kid. I felt too old and grown up in it, so I've never bought a lipstick until this year. I was at Watsons and I usually never touch the lipsticks but Revlon had introduced a new matte line and I thought hey why not. I tried on Fabulous Fig, its a dark brickish brown red and I fell in love. Of course I had to go check it out on makeupalley and after seeing all the positive reviews I thought, could this possibly be the one, could this be the lipstick that breaks the all lipsticks taste like crayon curse?

Guess what? The curse is finally over. Revlon's matte line is great for those who can't stand any shimmer or gloss, like me. I like the naked feeling on my lips, so gloss and chunky glitter usually never works for me. Because of its matte characteristics, its a bit drying to use, a quick fix of chapstick or lip balm before it and your lips will be matte and moisturized. It has great staying power, more than a few hours, which is a miracle since I'm a lip licker. I lick and smack my lips together all the time, which is why gloss and I don't get along. What I like about Revlon matte line is the fact that there's no waxy feeling or smell, which made it absolutely revolting when my mom would force it on to my lips.

The color selection is amazing, I have no idea how to describe it, almost all the colors look great on me and it's weird because I don't have the most typical skin tone. I'm a light medium golden beige, not too dark, but not even remotely close to being fair. So far in Malaysia I've only seen a couple shades, I have 3 of them; Fabulous fig, Cocoa craving and Mauve it over. I think there's like 2 reds, that are striking, but I don't have the guts to pull them off...maybe one day. Mauve it over is a bit too light for me because I have quite heavily pigmented lips, but it looks good with a touch of lip gloss(ugh), so I don't really wear it that often. But I do wear Fabulous fig and Cocoa craving. Cocoa craving looks straight up brown but it looks amazing, it has a slight reddish undertone, giving it a natural everyday look.

I saw a BOGOF on Revlon's Super lustrous lipstick line, and I must say I really like Revlon lip products. This line has waaaay more colors and much smoother consistency, it has a bit of sheen, but its not glossy, the staying power is not has good as the matte line. I got quite a few of them, my favorite ones are Fleshtone (very natural), Rum raisin(looks kinda like fab fig), Bali Brown(the closest I've come to dark red lips) and another color I never use because it has a slight pinkness that turns me off.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Another package

ELF items:

Studio angled brush
Studio precision brush
cream eyeliner (coffee)
eyebrow kit (dark)
Face kabuki brush
Mineral mascara
lip lock pencil

Everyday minerals flat top brush

(mini) Shopping spree madness

So last weekend I went shopping with my boyfriend, we went to Pavilion, as expensive of a place it may look, once in awhile you do find great deals. My boyfriend has been wanting a jacket for the office and to ride on his bike with, yes, I'm slowly turning him into a coat fanatic. With our clothes combined, we'll have the most useless wardrobe in all of Malaysia....muwahhahaha. There were these two jackets that we saw for him, one was at Pull and Bear and the other was at Forever21. The Pull and Bear one felt and looked like leather, but it was made out of polyester. The Forever21 one is sort of a formal coat, but it looks fabulous, almost has a John Legend sort of vibe to it, so he settled on the Forever21 one. He's never gotten a nice sophisticated coat before...poor thing. Apparently there's this summer/spring offer happening whereby if you buy something for over 200 you get a 40 ringgit voucher to spend on anything else.

So after he bought the coat we walked around Forever21 some more. I've been meaning to buy skinny jeans, not that I like skinny jeans, I in fact loathe them, but I needed jeans to wear under my knee length boots, I got tired of wearing tights and dresses all the time with them. So I went searching for skinny jeans, I don't really know why, but all skinny jeans look disgusting to me, it might be because my humongous calves don't agree with them. But I found a dark blue stetch denim that were only 45 bucks and they didn't look too bad. I tried them on, they fitted decently, a bit loose on the hips though, so I need to wear a belt, but other than that, they were alright in terms of skinny jean standards. So I used the coupon and got my first pair of 5 ringgit jeans, yeah, you heard me, I only got them for 5 bucks. Not bad right?

Cotton On which is next to Forever21 Pavilion also has a sale, its always chaos in there when there's a sale. Cotton On is slowly becoming my new favorite store. The sales assistants are nice and even through all the chaos, you can come out with a nice pair of shoes...which I did. My boyfriend got me these awesome high top gray sneaker, they kind of look like they're made out of t-shirt material, which makes them so unbelievable comfortable. They were not on sale unfortunately, so they cost about 69 ringgit, its an alright price, not a perfect price, but comfortable beyond anything and that's all that matters.

We then walked to Timesquare and we saw this faux leather jacket, it was under a rack that said 39RM, at first we were like, no way this is only 39 bucks. It looks good enough to be atleast rm70+ So when I tried it on and it added the instant "coolness" my boyfriend was like if its 39 bucks we're getting it. And he asked the lady and it was 39 bucks, so I now am a proud owner of a biker-chick looking jacket. I would definitely pair it with girly dresses, perfect balance of hard and soft. 

I got a couple more stuff, but I've been putting this blog off for awhile, so let me just post this now and I'll post the rest of the spree later

Friday, April 2, 2010

New Items! New Items!

I got some of my ELF items, YAY. Excited! Excited!

I cod'ed at Megamall yesterday, her boyfriend arrived an hour late, which I could totally understand considering that it was raining like hell yesterday and the traffic was maddening. I hate Megamall, no offense to the Megamall lovers out there, but I hate Megamall, once again I could not find anything worth buying there, its such a sad sad place. Anyways, quick snippets on what I got :)

ELF all over cover stick - Honey-Light
I wasn't sure if this would match, but surprisingly it looks great at an under eye concealer but I probably wouldn't apply this on my face because its slightly orange.

Eyeliner brush
Soft and nice, but I prefer my eyeliner brushes to have a slant, but it totally usable and its a lot softer than my other eyeliner brushes, they kinda uncomfortably poke me

Eyelash curler
curls surprisingly well, my only issue is the face that my eyes might be a a lil too small for these :|

cream liner- black
I love this stuff. Its so soft and creamy and it sticks like nothing I've tried before (I fell asleep with it on last night and it stayed throughout the night, top and bottom!) . It also makes the quickest smokey eye look.

Studio complexion brush
Super soft, haven't really used it yet.

Powder brush
This is the second one I have, I didn't want to keep mixing my blush and mineral foundation together. Its still as wonderful as the first one I got. It even has the horrible chemical smell, I'll have to wash them soon.

Mineral booster- Large
I have the small one that I always keep in my purse, this stuff is magic. The large one is huge it has .63 oz while the smaller one has only .18oz, I use this every single time I go out. Keeps my oilies in check and it gives me that flawless finish while looking natural. Its not cakey, I seriously love love this stuff. Holy Grail times 10, it is THAT good.

basic brown mineral eyeshadow set  
I surprisingly really really like this. This came with 3 eyeshadows: elegant, confident, wild, it also came with an eyeshadow brush, blending crease brush and a brown eyeliner. Everything is pretty great, except maybe the wild eyeshadow, it just looks like crazy glitter with a lil bit of brown. 

mineral eyeshadow primer
I got another one, but this stuff is so good had to get a second in case.

Studio primer
Still testing it out, but it does make my face feel sexy smooth. 

Monistat chaffing gel
I'm planning to use this as a primer, also testing this with the ELF studio primer.

Sorry I was so short about it this, I'll give a more indepth look into each product after I've fully utilized them :)