Saturday, March 20, 2010


To start off with, I love shopping, especially during sales and for bargains. As in, I never buy anything unless its on sale. I definitely got that from my mom. She refused to buy me anything unless it was more than 50% off, so now I have the bargain bitch mindset.What I think is the bargain bitch mindset is knowing what you want and not getting ripped off on the way there. I do not like getting jipped, it makes me a bit angry. I hate going to Chinatown and the sales guy is telling me that its 200 bucks when it literally looks like its not worth 10, I want to smack them. So I am the type that gets a little mean, only when they deserve it of course and when its called for.

Yes, I am that girl that would dive willingly into RM5 bins searching for the next cute top. So this blog is going to be about my buying experiences and reviewing products and maybe showing off my looks maybe. I'm still undecided, I'm always undecided. I would just post it in my other blog, but sometimes I write things a bit on the heavy side and this blog is all about the happiness of shopping and makeup and shoes...oh my...

I live in KL but originally I'm from the U.S. I decided to live here because the shopping is freaking amazing, I'm joking...partially.  

10  Random Confessions:

1. I'm obsessed with this site is probably the best site to get an overall view of any beauty product you'd want to buy. I always go here before I purchase any makeup. And once you're on the site its just so addicting to look at what other people think of products you've tried, or look at product you never thought of purchasing but has high rates, you would actually consider it. Its makeup reviews by the people, for the people.

2. I don't shop high end, its very rare for me to actually buy something at lets say, Topshop and not feel jipped. I'm just not that girl who would buy a tank top for 50 ringgits. I go into Topshop of course, but its window shopping and checking out the new trends. The only time I buy from high end is when its on SUPER sale and its literally a steal.

3.Oh and I buy most of my makeup from Watsons and

4. Of the few times I splurge on clothes, its usually on coats, dresses, and shoes. I know, I live Malaysia, coats arn't really a part of the norm. But you can take a girl out of the cold but you can't take the cold out of the girl, that doesn't make much sense. I've always loved coats and if I see a good deal on them I'd buy it, that and I secretly want it to snow in this tropical country.
I probably have over a hundred dresses by now, I am a girly girl in that sense. I wear dresses to every occasion, and that usually makes me overdressed all the time. Well shoes are shoes, what girl doesn't have their own mini collection of shoes?

5. If I really love something from the store, I wear it out the store. And usually just to be fair, if I buy a new item I usually would wear it within a week. That way in my head, I could be all like, I've worn it, so it shouldn't have its feelings hurt, yes, I do think clothes have emotions.

6. My most favorite items of clothing are probably among the cheapest items of clothing. Tank top for RM3, dress for 10 bucks, jeans for 15.A lot of my friends are like where do you get these clothes and most of the time you kind of have to just dig, piles, racks. One of the shops I go to is in Timesquare on the fourth floor, I call it the 10rm shop cuz everything, everything is 10 bucks. Almost all their clothes are gawdy and gross and have no rack appeal whatsoever. But once in awhile you find a really awesome top/dress/jacket/skirt, the thing with that shop is it changes its stock all the time. I'll post some stuff from there, I got throughout the years.

7.  I have 5 mirrors of assorted sizes, one is full body, another is half body, another is shoulders and above, another is a face mirror and lastly a makeup mirror that makes my pores look huge(aka public enemy #1). 

8. I'm still on the lookout for my perfect little black dress. I found it at Zara but no money. Now no stock.

9. The one makeup item I use all the time, is blush. I love blush. Screw mascaras and eyeliners, rouge is the way to go.

10. I have an obsession with teeth. I consider teeth one of the most attractive things on a person. I know, its weird, I walk around staring at teeth, its true and awful.

So there you have it :) Let the shopping begin

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