Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fashion Trends I Currently Hate

I do try to keep up with the trends once in awhile but there are some that I'll probably avoid just because of how completely unflattering they are. Maybe on some people they're pleasing to the eye, but I bet you a million bucks most people can't pull them off. So here are a few of the ones I currently dislike...there's probably more but I can't think of them at the moment.

I don't know if this is a trend- leggings/tights worn as pants. ooooh YUCK. I don't mind it with a beyond the hips top, but if I see butt cheeks, I cringe. And I've seen a lot of girls do this...even the larger ones...camel toe anyone? (oh and I also hate metallic like tights...seriously, you are not a super hero)

tye-dye leggings bleached/washed denim jeans (the 80's are over!) I love the throwback retro feel that the millennium has given fashion, but the one decade that should not be revisited are the 80's.


Skinny jeans. As much as people are screaming that skinny jeans suit everyone...they seriously don't...unless you're skinny, then I hope you die in the hell you've made normal people try to live in (I'm kidding... no, not really)

pointy shoulders(or anything with shoulder padding, once again the 80's are over its time to move FORWARD) I cringe at pictures of my childhood with me wearing a ruffly humongous like shoulder pad dress...I'm 5 dammit, I don't want to look like I play football

Boyfriend jeans/shorts---they're freaking ugly, why don't people get it? I told my boyfriend about this trend and he was pretty horrified and told me not to touch his jeans. I feel like they could be bordering on Mom Jeans

6. open-toed boots. they look painful. And I'm all about comfort

7. oxford flats--mmm...not very pretty. But I DO like oxford heels

8. animal print---Its a bit much for me

9. Tops that try to be a 2 for one deal but they're sewed together. I don't think this is a trend, but I dislike the fact that they're sold in stores. I don't mind them separately, but a cardigan sewed to a shirt makes that cardigan absolutely useless for other outfits. I don't see why anyone would invest in lazy are you?

That's it for now....if there's anymore I'll update you. Are there any trends that you hate?

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